Marvallist - A way of knowledge: Facts about Human body

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Facts about Human body

Facts about Human body

Hello guys in this blog we will discuss about facts about human body. We humans are considered to be most developed and complex on this earth. Our human body is also full of surprises. The human body is a wonder created by nature. If you want to understand the world, then you must understand your body first. Our body is a machine that has ability and emotions to do every work. A human body is made up of many things. Human body work is done through a fairly complex process. There are many facts about human body that you would not even imagined. You may not know how special your body is. So, we introduced facts about human body.

  • Human Heart beats more than 30 Lac times. The most important organ in our body is our heart. Commonly, heart circulates blood into every organ. Heart is an organ which works from birth to death. A human heart pumps average 72 times in 1 minute and in one hour more than 4320 which became more than 1.5 lakh in a day. In a human life, human heart beats average more than 30 lac times.

  • Speed of sharing information and human sneeze. Sneezing in human is common. A sneeze looks simple but does not. When due to external particles some irritation is occurs in nose. To remove these particles from nose an automatic process occurs in which an air comes out fastly. This process is known as Sneezing. The speed of our sneezing is more than 160 km/h. If we open our eyes at the time f sneezing then our eyes comes out. In our body, every work is automatic. Due to these processes, brain regulates all body organs. The speed of this information from brain to every organ is 400 km/h.

  • Amount of carbon in human body and human bones.  Our body is made up from many organic particles. In our body, known and unknown amount of particles are present from whose one of them is carbon. In respiration process, we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. All peoples have negative thought about carbon. In our body, about 18% carbon is present. Our body is looks like simple but it is so complex because it made up of 206 bones and 600 muscles.

  • Presence of most bones in human body. Our body is made up of 206 bones but some organs of our body is made without bones like teeth, nails and tongue. The presence of most bones in human body is hands and legs. The half of whole bones of our body is present in hands and legs.

  • Length of nerves in Human body. Nerves is most important part of our body. By the help of nerves, information is transfer from one organ to another organ. If all nerves of body are taken out then human body cannot survive. It is a part of body which joins all the body parts organs. The information sends from brain to other parts via nerves. So that nerves are most important part of body and in large number. It is a fact that if we take out all nerves from body and spread in field then it covers 72 km part of earth. We always wander with these long nerves.

  • Tears of Babies and Exposure of heat from body. The crying of children are troubles many peoples. At the birth of Children, doctors bit the child for crying and it is important for child. It is a fact that tears of child less than 1 months old are not come. At every moment, we emit heat. If we collect heat of five minutes then we can boil a glass of water easily. Our body is also emit light due to less amount it cannot seen.

  • Nose can smell 50 thousands scents and dangerous acid in stomach. Nose is one of the five sense organs which helps to smell. The capacity of nose is more. A human nose can smell more than 50 thousands scents at a time. A different body has a unique smell which is different like fingerprints. In our body, an acid is present in our stomach which can melts zinc metal. A gastric acid is present in stomach which used in digestion. Due to this acid, our stomach digests the food and we gain energy from the food. So, this acid is most important for us.

  • Blood vessels can round the earth. Similar as nerves blood vessels are present in our body from which all body parts are joint. The blood circulated through blood vessels from heart to all other parts. It plays a vital role in our body. In our body, blood vessels looks similar but if we take out these blood vessels from body and stretch it then it covers 4 times of equator of earth.

  • Human saliva can fill up to swimming pools and you are 1 inch taller than usual. We secreted a liquid from our mouth which is known as saliva. Saliva is useful for our body. It helps in digestion. In a day, 1.5-1 l saliva is produced. In morning, we became tall 1 inch and after time we became normal. This process is done because solid is gathered in the backbone. Therefore, in morning we are so tall and in evening we are so short in a whole day.
  • Bones are stronger than concrete. Human bones are so strong. It is unique in the name of strongest. Human bones are made up of Calcium and Phosphorus. Bones are skull of human body. Human bones are stronger than concrete. So, you can think that how much bones are strong?

So, these are some interesting facts about Human body.

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