Marvallist - A way of knowledge: Hottest places on earth

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Hottest places on earth

Hottest Places on earth

Hello friends in this blog we will discuss about top 10 hottest places on earth that has high degrees of temperate. Humans feel that they are the most powerful but they forget that they have the most powerful nature in the world and also the most compassionate. There are different aspects of nature. There are some places which are the coldest places in the world and there are few places in nature that are the hottest. So, we will introduced top 10 hottest places on earth and will also know how nature is causing havoc there.

Death Valley, California – In the name of this place, death is available. The highest temperature is recorded from the death valley of California. Usually, hotness is available here but in the year 1912, Death Valley’s temperature was the highest recorded at 56.7 degree Celsius. Any people cannot survive in this place. Due to this reason, in mile distance a ghost house is available. In this Death Valley, the rain cannot occur. Due to this reason, here water is not available in many distance. In summer, the average temperature remains 47 degree. It is dry place of whole America.

Aziziyah, Libya – First, it is capital of Jafri state which 25 mile far from Tripoli. At a time, it is hottest place of earth. When in 1922, the highest temperature is recorded at 58 degree Celsius. Later, it is fake evidence. In 2012, it remove from the first position in the list of hottest places on earth. The temperature of this place still remains more than 41 degree Celsius during summer.

Dallol, Ethiopia – In the list of hottest places on earth, the city of Ethiopia Dallol is also present. This city is known for Hydro thermal fields of salts, Acidic fountains and gas geyser. The reason of its hotness is its volcanic erruptions. The average temperature here is 41 degree Celsius between 1940 to 1960. It is highest temperature places for the mankind. At the season difference, its temperature remains same. The temperature of Dallol is above 45 degree Celsius. Due to its temperature, the water of ponds and lakes are continuously boiling.

Wadia Halfa, Iran – It is situated in Sudan in the bank of Nubian lake. In whole year, rain is not occur here. In the months of summer, it converted into the gas. June is here’s most hot month where average temperature is 41 degree. The highest temperature is 53 degree Celsius which occurred in April 1967. The whole land in this hotness became deserted and unfertile. So, the life of peoples of this places is so difficult.

Dasht e loot, Iran – The temperature of loot desert of Iran is highest ground temperature of planet earth. In year 2003 to 2009, space agency NASA calculated the maximum temperature of this desert was found to be 70.70C. With this increasing temperature, anybody cannot survive here and any plant and animal also cannot survive here. This is also known as place of Death.

Tirat Zvi, Israel – It is situated in the beitshe’an valley of Israel and west of Jordan River. The population of Trait Zvi is less than 1000 from which mostly peoples are farmers and doing agriculture there. The hotness of this town is problem for peoples. This town is about 722 feet below sea level. In June 1942, its temperature reaches up to 129 Fahrenheit. Here biggest garden of dates of Israel is situated in Tirat Zvi where more than 20000 trees are planted.

Timbuktu, Mali – It is a town of Mali which is situated in the south of Sahara desert and also it is so hot in winter season. Even in the month of January, the temperature here remains above 300C but till date the highest temperature ever recorded here is 490C. It is an old city situated in the north of Niger River. At a time, it is a trade destination of Africa but drought of 17th century occurs deserted this place. There are about 60000 people living in this city. In summer, you have to protect yourself from a temperature of up to 130 Fahrenheit. Here mostly sand storm are occurs regularly.

Kebili, Tunisia – It is a small city of Tunisia which is situated in the north of Africa. Like Ghadames of Libya, it is also an Oasis town of Tunisia and also oldest Oasis city of Tunisia. According to scientists, Humans were came here 2 lakh years ago. The temperature reaches here around 132 Fahrenheit in this desert town which is not new for the peoples of the town but till date the highest temperature of 550C has been recorded from Kebili. It is also known for sweet dates as well as its hotness. Peoples survive here with 55 degree Celsius.

Ghadames, Libya – It is an Oasis town which is situated in south west direction of Libya. Oasis is a place which is situated in middle of Deserted area but anyway it is green and beautiful. Ghadames is called as a world heritage town given by UNESCO due to its mud and sand houses which gained an important place in the history of Libya. The population of Ghadames is around 10000 from which mostly peoples are lived in the mud houses. In the summer, the temperature here reaches around 1310F but till date the highest temperature of 550C has been recorded. Due to here hotness, many peoples are made his food in stone. It is also known as Pearl of Desert because of its Oasis nature.

Bandar-e-Mahshahr, Iran – We start our list of hottest places on earth from Iran but most places from our list are from Iran. In July 2015, the highest heat index 740C was recorded from Bandar-e-Mahshahr city. The highest recorded temperature is 510C from Bandar-e-Mahshahr. It is a port city of Iran. It is most important city for Iran related with commercial values. It is capital of Khuzestan state of Iran. The population of Mahshahr is about 1 lakh 53 thousand but anyone does not live here. It is a labour city due to here permanent living is not occurs.

So, these are top 10 hottest places on earth. If you want the area nearby you does not have this condition then please grow trees.  

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